How Do Online Immigration Consultations Work?

What are online immigration consultations?

Five years ago, the thought of consulting with a doctor online to discuss a private medical issue, explain test results or learn about a new treatment seemed far-fetched, something of a fad. Old habits are supposed to be hard to break, but are they really? When was the last time you wrote a physical check or a handwritten letter? Today, the reality of online medical consultations is not only becoming extremely popular but with the advances in handheld technology and the availability and proliferation of easy to use smartphones, it’s quickly becoming the norm. As our parents, children and grandchildren become more and more comfortable interacting with professionals like this via technology, a new and burgeoning marketplace of online professional services is creating opportunities for both the price conscious consumer and the resource-starved practitioners who are struggling to meet the demands of their clients, patients, and partners. This applies to online immigration consultations as well. As a result, important professional services like doctors, lawyers, universities, and government agencies are moving increasingly more of their initial and follow up consultations, classes, and mentoring sessions online for a number of what seem to be obvious reasons.

What are the benefits of online professional service consultations?

There are tremendous benefits associated with conducting specialized and professional services like these online vs. only in a brick and mortar environment. Online consultations may not, and in some cases should not completely eliminate the need to see a physical doctor, lawyer, or professor, but they CAN:

  • Greatly reduce expenses related to travel to and from visits
  • Limit missed work days (missed vacation days)
  • Eliminate / Reduce the senseless waiting for a doctor or attorney that is inevitably going to be late because of a “drop-in” emergency case that is more important than yours. Yes, I said it, and we’ve all felt this at one time or another.

It still may sound a bit 21st century, but the future is already here and increasingly strong arguments are being made that the service experience and accountability afforded by an online consultation can provide:

  • Better overall access to specialized care. If specialists reside in other states or countries or are scarce because of demand/supply, online consultations bridge that gap and enable “on demand” access that was previously not possible.
  • Enhanced accountability and customer service via an electronic history and paper trail.
  • Save time and money while saving the more expensive “in person” or “on the phone” consultations for when it’s absolutely necessary to have that level of communication.
  • Privacy and Portability of Record & Documents: In some cases, sessions can be recorded for later review as part of a more comprehensive approach to record keeping. As well, getting things “in writing” and storing them in a secure cloud account makes it easy to keep records with you wherever you go, making the days of “requesting legal files” or “medical transcripts” a thing of the past. What if you could have your entire legal, medical, and professional history with you wherever you go?…wait, that’s happening right now!

Are online immigration consultations right for me?

If you have an immediate or near-term need for legal immigration assistance, and you don’t have the time to thumb through a phone book or access to a trusted local resource, there are a number of online options that may be right for you. If you’ve ever thought that finding the best possible legal resources was too expensive or only reserved for high net worth individuals, online consultations offer access to expertise and services on a level and accountable playing field that you may not even know existed. With a little investigating, and a laptop or smartphone, the answers and help you need can likely be found in much less time, and for a lot less money than you thought. Quality resources are available today and are becoming more and more accessible online every day. Most times, online immigration consultations can cost well under $99.00 U.S, and often, the services will allow you to apply that initial fee to follow un services you may need later. The end result is a win/win for all parties.

What are the steps I need to take to start an online immigration consultation?

Starting the online consultation process is straightforward and shouldn’t take more than 15-20 minutes to submit. Easy to use technology tools step you through the intake questions using plain language and easy to understand “fill in the blank” questionnaires that a licensed attorney will review once submitted. From there, a written response is drafted, clarification is solicited, and a response is presented to the client via an official written statement, a phone or video follow up, or electronically via a communication platform specific to the service provider. Depending on the level of service you need, find a provider that offers tiered services so that you can “upgrade” when you need more help, and revert to more DIY services for simple tasks you are confident doing on your own or with support in the form of tips, instructional videos, or online learning.

Are online professional services like online immigration consultations here to stay?

Growth rates are staggering and the facts and stats about these professional services can no longer be overlooked. Online DIY tax services like TurboTax, now a household name, had more than 30 million paying customers use their software to file taxes on their own in 2015. Add to that the competitors like TaxAct, TaxCut, and the myriad of other boutique products and it’s a safe estimate that more than 50 million Americans filed their taxes without ever seeing or speaking to a Certified Public Accountant  (CPA) last year. In 2014, H&R Block had revenues over $3.0 billion and prepared more than 24.2 million tax returns worldwide. 7.6 million of those 24.2 million were prepared digitally in one for or another and those numbers are expected to climb year over year. (Source 2015-2016)

If you, a family member, or someone you know has questions about online immigration consultations, please share this article and click here to read more about starting the online consultation process for individuals and families risk free with Road to Status.

Road to Status™ is changing the way America processes immigration applications because the old way simply doesn’t work.

Road to Status™ provides immigration applicants with high quality, affordable immigration tools and services that are easy to use, secure, and accessible anywhere. Watch a short video to see how it works here. When needed, certified and vetted immigration attorneys are available to help.

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The newsletters and articles found in this blog are offered only for general informational and educational purposes. They are not offered as and do not constitute legal advice or legal opinions.

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